Monday 15 February 2016

My Favourite Things From Cookies And Scream (Camden) REVIEW

Hi guys!

Sorry I haven't posted in ages. I have been really busy with school work. However I am back now! I'm spending half term in London at the moment, which obviously has included a trip to Cookies and Scream in Camden. For those of you that don't know, Cookies and Scream is an all vegan and gluten free bakery stall in Camden market. I go there every time I am in London with my sister - so I am now a bit of an expert! I thought I would share with you some of my favourite things from there.

6) This is a chocolate coffee victoria sponge. My sister really liked this one - I didn't like it as much because I don't like coffee. But the coffee flavour was strong and Daisy said it went well with the chocolate. The chocolate sponge was really nice and fluffy which is unusual for a gluten free cake! We had it with a brownie ice cream milkshake. 

5) This is a chocolate brownie ice cream milkshake. It is a whole brownie blended with ice cream and soya milk! It's really nice, because it still has whole chunks of brownie in. But it is really filling - I had a whole cake followed by this and felt very full! I would definitely recommend getting one to share though if you go with someone else! They are by far the best milk shakes i've ever had!!!

4) This is an AMAZING chocolate orange blondie, salted caramel cookie dough ice cream and a double chocolate cookie sandwich!!! If you are going to Cookies and Scream you definitely need to try their cookie sandwiches atleast once. They sandwich a scoop of creamy ice cream (or their vanilla frosting) in between two of their famous gooey cookies. Needless to say it is fantastic. However the chocolate orange blondie is my all time favourite. I had mine served warm so all the chocolate chips melted inside, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the top. DELICIOUS! My sister Tilly had the salted caramel ice cream, which is vanilla ice cream with salted caramel sauce on the top. She had this topped with chunks of cookie dough!!

3) This is a Lunachick (on the right) - a jammy coconutty cake. We had this warm again with the hot jam in the middle ooooozing out. Y U M! It reminded me of something similar (but better) to a jam roly poly pudding that you used to get at school dinners. I think this would be amazing with custard (which you can get from them), or with the vanilla ice cream. Other than the fact it is absolutely delicious, I have nothing more to say about the Lunachick!

2) This is another milk shake - from my most recent trip. This is a hot fudge milk shake with cookie dough balls. Just looking at it makes me drool! I would say this is definitely the best milk shake combination I've had, it was perfect!! I found it by looking on their instagram and getting inspired by what other people had ordered! You can alter any of their milkshakes or add whatever you like - you could even have a donut milkshake (a donut blended with ice cream and soya milk)!!!

1) CHICOPIE!!!!! This is my all time favourite thing to get!!! It is a slice of peanut butter chocolate chip pie with vanilla ice cream. The ice cream melts into a sauce that covers the pie!! I always ask for mine warm so that the chocolate chips melt too. If they have this in the stall when you go - GET IT!! I tried to make something like this before but it was nowhere near as good - I don't know how they do it!!

I hope you enjoyed this blog post - let me know if you want me to do more 'review' type posts. I also have looooads of recipes to post so keep checking back for them! 

If you are in London DEFINITELY go to Cookies and Scream - and tag me (and them) in your picture so I can see what you've got!

Follow @cookiesandscreambakery on instagram and follow @moosfood #moosfood

Love Moo x 

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